THERMOglaf materials belong to the product group of bio-soluble fibres. These materials are also called either AES (Alkaline Earth Silicate) fibres, HTGF (High Temperature Glass Fibre) or bio-soluble fibres. THERMOglaf materials have basically the same properties like THERMOfrax ceramic fibres except the extended range of classification temperature.
Because of the bio soluble characteristics these materials do not be classified as hazard substances. It is mandatory always to consider that these materials are not to be used at and below dew point ranges during furnace operation. Particularly in case of attacks of acid-aqueous solutions and in the presence of chemical reactions with Alkali etc. we strongly recommend evaluation of the application together with our material technology team.
THERMOglaf products made of bio-soluble fibres are characterized by high flexibility, very low thermal conductivity, low weight and low heat storage capacity. These fibres have an excellent themal shock resistance and are suitable for permanent high temperature use up to 1300°C. THERMOglaf products are available in different shapes and classification temperatures.